Literature & Music
Trojan Dialogues:
Authored by Lenny Cavallaro
The Tale of Troy, as seen through the eyes of the Greek hero, Diomedes.
Trojan Dialogues offers a very unusual rendition of the Tale of Troy, as seen through the eyes of the Greek hero, Diomedes. The novel reconciles the different accounts conveyed in Homer’s immortal Iliad and other classical epics with the latest archaeological evidence. The author presents a somewhat more plausible interpretation of what may, indeed, have been historical events, along with highly imaginative explanations of the “thousand ships,” “Greeks bearing gifts,” Helen’s elopement with Paris, Akhilles’ sexual preferences, and — of course — the “Trojan horse.” We shall never know precisely what, if anything, transpired on the shores of Asia Minor during the Late Bronze Age, but Trojan Dialogues brings us much closer to a realistic, though still highly romanticized picture.
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